Sunday, July 18, 2010


Adler got to go to his first wedding yesterday in Breckenridge. We were planning on taking LT too but he napped to long and we had to leave him behind with Baba.

It worked out well but I think LT might have had fun because the wedding was at a lodge half way up Breckenridge mountain. Earlier in the day we'd be trying to explain the event why we thought he'd have a good time to him and he asked the poignant question, "Do them have dirt at the wedding?"

The baby stole my date
It was kind of nice to be out with only one kid though and, at least in the beginning, Adler seemed to enjoy all the attention too.

Mom & baby both looking cute (not a bad picture for a camera phone either!).

Mr. Mischievous
Smiling mischievously behind his little baby passy as he tries to steal his mom's wine glass.

enough with the camera already dad
Getting annoyed with dad taking so many pictures.

safe place
Unfortunately little Alder was sick - he had a fever and was lethargic and spent most of the night cuddled up on his mom.

He snuggled and slept though all of dinner. Very unlike the kid that cannot usually sit still for more than a few minutes at a time.

A family photo (minus LT).

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