Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
New Stats for the boys
The boys had their check-ups with Dr. Kono today. Adler had his 9 month and LT his 3 year (yes, I know we are a bit late on both!).
As predicted, LT is average height, but skinny skinny, and Adler is a tall chunk!
LT weighed in at just barely 30 pounds (30th percentile) and was in the 50th percentile for height at 38 inches. They now calculate the BMI for 3 year olds and older. LTs is 15!
Adler was 21 pounds (60th percentile) and 30 inches (90th percentile for height).
They entertained each other with cups and sticks while we waited for the doctor. LT got a shot and Adler had some blood drawn, neither boy even flinched with the needles. They are much more tough than I am.
As predicted, LT is average height, but skinny skinny, and Adler is a tall chunk!
LT weighed in at just barely 30 pounds (30th percentile) and was in the 50th percentile for height at 38 inches. They now calculate the BMI for 3 year olds and older. LTs is 15!
Adler was 21 pounds (60th percentile) and 30 inches (90th percentile for height).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Mountain Adventure
Kari already wrote about our recent trip to the mountains but I had a few more pictures I wanted to put up.

The duck race (the throwing was more fun than the racing).

LT surveying his duck throwing work from high up on a tree stump.
July in the mountains
We went up to Silverthorne this past weekend (plus a few extra days) to help a friend celebrate his wedding in Breckenridge. The wedding weekend backed up to a conference Bri had in Keystone this week and so we were able to spend a little extra time up there seeing Grandpa and Baba and exploring the mountain air. Of course, I didn't bring a camera, but these are just a few random shots from my camera phone again.
Adler sleeping at the wedding with daddy.
Buffalo mountain.... ahh. This is my favorite mountain. Maybe its just its pure beauty as you drive down from Eisenhower tunnel or maybe its all my childhood memories of it. Probably a combination. When I was young, we had a house very close to the base of Buffalo. My dad used to take our family on hikes in the area (which I fondly remember). We have summited it as a family. It just brings back nothing but good memories. As the boys and I drove into Summit County on Friday, its presence was just magical, draped by the bluest of blue skies. The picture above was actually taken on a run I went on Sunday morning close to Baba and Grandpas homes. I love that even though my parents don't have their home up there anymore, the boys and I can still experience its peacefulness as we visit with Baba and Grandpa.
On a funny note, LT looked at it and said, "wow, that is really high, you probably have to take an airplane to get up there!"
Adler on a hike.

Baba's friends in the mountains do a week long "grandma camp". You have to be four to go. It happens to be this week. Of course LT is too young this year, but hes already signed up for next year with Baba. However, he got a sneak peak at a duck race game the kids will be doing in the little river. One of the grandmas was organizing this game and let LT try. He tossed the ducks in announcing their number and then they were retrieved a a few feet down stream by a little girl and the whole thing started again.
Baba's friend Pinky and her husband have a great train set in their basement. They also have two grandsons about LTs age and a grand daughter just 3 days younger than LT. The boys played in Pinky's basement for quite some time. This is Sam and LT playing the model train set.
My dad drove up Monday morning for a bike ride. Bri had taken the day off and Baba offered to watch the boys, so the three of us went for a beautiful ride. It started out very windy, but by the time we finished, the sun was out, the mountains were clear and the sky was cloudless.

If you ask LT what his favorite part of his trip was, he says without hesitation, "looking at the sail boats with you mommy". That makes my heart melt. It was just a few minutes of our whole vacation, and I had no idea when I suggested it how much he would love it. We went over to Frisco to the Boathouse (an outdoor bar/restaurant) on Sunday night and watched the sail boats come in. It was a windy afternoon and a bit stormy, so there weren't very many boats to see, but apparently the few we saw were pretty special to him. Above, he was watching a speedboat get loaded onto a trailer.
Last, but not least, mountain biking. Occasionally Bri and I have the chance to go mountain biking, LT always wants to come. I loaded our mountain bikes onto my car Friday with LT and he insisted we bring his so he could go with us. I put it in the trunk and thought we could convince him that mountain biking was riding your bike in the mountains on pavement. Nope, too smart for mom. So, last night, we took him up on the mountain across from Baba's house and off he rode down a hill. I was terrified of course, but Bri insisted I not hold on and just let him go. He did fine. It was a short, but successful mountain ride.

On a funny note, LT looked at it and said, "wow, that is really high, you probably have to take an airplane to get up there!"

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Adler got to go to his first wedding yesterday in Breckenridge. We were planning on taking LT too but he napped to long and we had to leave him behind with Baba.
It worked out well but I think LT might have had fun because the wedding was at a lodge half way up Breckenridge mountain. Earlier in the day we'd be trying to explain the event why we thought he'd have a good time to him and he asked the poignant question, "Do them have dirt at the wedding?"

It was kind of nice to be out with only one kid though and, at least in the beginning, Adler seemed to enjoy all the attention too.

Smiling mischievously behind his little baby passy as he tries to steal his mom's wine glass.

Friday, July 16, 2010
Big weekend
Not only did I get Kari new phone for her birthday but I also got the same phone for myself! I've been enjoying the camera as well and here are some pictures from our busy weekend.

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Mobile uploads
I am not sure how I earned it, but Brian, so sweetly, gave me a My Touch for my birthday. I am now proud to say that I have joined the club of people who are able to check face book and chat with friends from their phone. Another perk is the camera on the phone, which I use often. These are completely random pictures from my phone camera experimenting.
Adler eating some well deserved cheerios after trying to keep up with three three year olds swimming in Stapleton yesterday.
LT, "I am really really happy at my swim lessons now!" He said this after a 2 hour ordeal of not wanting to go to swim lessons. I sort of feel the same way about swimming. I dread it until I am submerged in the water and then love it. This is at his wonderful teacher Carole's swim lessons. (Parents are only allowed to watch from outside the gate, but I snatched this picture when I ran in to use the bathroom and overheard LT saying he was so happy.)
Dylan and LT playing catch at jazz in the park.
The boys in the Chariot on our adventure to the farmers market. They were both troopers on this long ride (long for just sitting in a bike trailer), we only had to stop once on the way home to drive cars in the sand and let them stretch their legs.
LT and I have been enjoying getting donuts (just the two of us) on Wednesday mornings. We both get a cake donut with vanilla frosting and sprinkles! This week Zack joined us with his mom, but they are in the chocolate club.
LT and Adler playing the pots and pans in an early morning concert at Grandma and Papas house.
Bri and LT on a "fun adventure hike" at the Botanical Gardens.
We went to Grandma and Papas house on the 4th of July to help Steve celebrate his 30th birthday. He and Madeleine were flying in that night from Montana and unfortunately their flight was a bit delayed. LT took it upon himself to sing happy birthday and blow out Steve's candle in his absence (we did it again with Uncle Steve).
LT really loves holding Adler's hand in the car, its pretty darn cute, but hard to capture in the few seconds I have at a red light.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Old Neighbors
Our old neighbors from Wolff St had us over for a little dinner party a few weeks ago. These are just a few pics of the boys playing in their amazing yard.
LT showing off how cool he is to an older girl by swinging in a baby swing. She's not too impressed.
Then he tried the lawnmower to get her attention, not successful either.
But it was fun anyway.
Adler spent the night splashing in the water table.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The boys and I had a play date with Ewan, his brother Holden, and Zack today to ride the trolley by REI. It was about 90 degrees and so we met inside REI for a snack before riding the trolley. Adler raided Shawn's snack bag of course and scored himself a peach!

LT, Ewan and Z on the trolley, completely happy to be riding a trolley together.
And Adler was happy to have someone his age to hang out with!
After the short 20 or so minute trolley ride, the big boys drove cars and trucks in the rocks while Adler and Holden tried to eat the rocks.
Adler was one tired little guy and fell sound asleep before we even left the parking lot of REI.
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