Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Random photos

With two boys in the house it's a little harder to find the time to think up the incredibly witty commentary that you loyal readers hope to see on these blog pages, or even the marginally intelligible comentary that you've come to expect. Yet there are still a lot of pictures that I want to post. So here's a random collection of some shots from the last month or two that hadn't otherwise found a home on this blog. I suspect this won't be the last random collection post.

Sliding in shades
Having fun sliding on Isis's jumpy castle at her little brother's first birthday party.

Cornell (College or U?)
Showing off his new Cornell University sweatshirt. Cornell felt a little too big and cutthroat competitive for me - what with the whole suicide bridge and all - but if LT is as smart and even tempered as his Papa, he can go there if he wants (and if we can afford it). So far, however, LT seems as though he'll be a lot like me and that means he'll probably do better at a small cushy liberal arts school.

Contemplative in the car
Looking out the car window.

LT w/ pig shower cap
In mom & dad's shower wearing a pig shower cap, playing with his letters and cleaning with a squeegee. Because, why not?

I'm a Dino!
We've been using a dinosaur towel for I don't know how long but it wasn't until recently that LT took notice. Now he likes to wear it after his bath and run around yelling, "I'm a dino!"

hi dad
Hi dad!

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