Monday, November 16, 2009

Addyar's 2 month check

LT says Adler in an adorable way that sounds a bit like Addyar (wish I could spell as cute as he says things). We took Adler in today for his 8 week check.
Playing in the bouncy while mom gets ready to go. He was smiling and laughing, but of course I have the old camera that is super slow taking shots and so I never did capture the adorable facial expressions.

He slept the whole way to the doctors office (which ended up being a long time due to horrific traffic). I am always late, no matter how much time I leave myself and I always get the stink eye from the receptionist.
Waiting to be checked by Dr. Kono.

LT and Adler snuggling in LTs crib post appointment. LT saw Adler's band aids and wondered what happened. When I told him that Adler got 3 shots, LT insisted that they cuddle in his crib. What a great big brother!
And... the results are in. For those of you who are wondering (as I was), who was bigger at 8 weeks, they were EXACTLY the same! 12 lbs 3 oz and 23 inches. That puts them both in the shorter/fatter category for the time being. If LT is any indication of what is to come, Adler will soon be in the tall/skinny category in no time.

1 comment:

Salway said...

Kari, I saw this posting on facebook and had to check out your blog! I love the pic of the two little muffins in the crib. So darn cute!!!