Monday, January 12, 2009

Self portrait

It seems like LT's acquisition of new skills has greatly accelerated in the last few weeks. A month ago I could have named his entire vocabulary but it's now too big for me to remember and it continues to grow daily. In just the last day or so he's introduced the words, "bus", "dee tee" (TV), "biss" (beef), "mess", "pee pee" (pizza), "deal", "plesss" (please) and a few more that I can't remember at the moment.

He's also more and more interested in *doing* things. Today, while I was at work, he helped Kari clean the house and shovel snow. Help being a relative term in this case, of course, but he genuinely wants to participate and be dong the same kinds of things we do.

Last night he was trying to figure out the camera. With just a little help from me (and after I traded him the old camera for the new one in hopes of avoiding damage) he managed to take this shot of himself. He's got a few things to learn but not bad for a first try...

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