Sunday, November 11, 2007

What a mom can do in 30 minutes...

(Editor's note: yet *another* post from Kari. Between her writing more often and now Z having a blog I'm starting to loose my monopoly on this baby blog business.)

Shawn thinks I [Kari] should write a book titled, "What a mom can do in 30 minutes" because I have become extremely efficient in my 30 minute time frames that Landon gives me these days. You see, he has taken up exactly THIRTY minutes of napping EXACTLY every 1 1/2 hours. Thus, I have learned to rake the yard, shower and put in a load of laundry in my first 30 minutes, change the laundry, unload the dishwasher and read in my next 30 minute nap slot etc... Not sure writing a book can be done in a 30 minute time slot, so it might just need to be an entry on the blog.

(Editor's note part 2: shortly after Kari finished writing this, LT fell asleep for an hour and a half. So much for predictability.)

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