Friday, September 1, 2023

Day 7

The airbnb we stayed at that night was far from the town, but was, again, on a sprawling piece of land where B could run before sitting in the car again.
After leaving that airbnb, we were headed to Hofn.  We stopped at our beloved grocery store, Bonus.  This place was a staple for us, providing most breakfasts and lunches.  Luckily they were found in most towns.
We saw this diner the night before and thought we would try it for lunch before leaving (can you spot B in the photo?)
It was a fun experience for the kids, and as one could expect, not the best food.

We arrived at our airbnb in Hofn.  These were the door frames.

Its a cute little fishing village, but once we were there, Brian and I remembered there's not much to do in the town.  We did find a restaurant that we had loved the last time we were there and so we took the kids there for dinner.

LT had done a lot of research before we went to Iceland and wanted to visit Vestrahorn.  We went there after dinner (as you can see, the sun doesn't set early here!)  The mountain could be viewed from the most unique black beach where these tufts of grass grew out of mounds of black sand.  


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