Tuesday, November 6, 2018


 Halloween week is always nutty.  There are halloween parties at each school, costumes to ensure are ready to go and more candy than any kid needs to consume readily available.  However, we survived.  On Tuesday B had his trick or treating around the school (parents not invited, whew, one less thing to go to!)  He had a blast and came home proud of his new items he collected around the school.  Wednesday morning we all went to the big guys school parade, which is quite an ordeal.  They parade around the gym by theme (ghosts and goblins, animals, TV characters, food etc) to loud music.  B wanted to go around with A, both dinosaurs.  He happily accepted all the high fives from the kids as he paraded around.
  A fraction of the candy brought home.
Halloween night we went with our usual neighborhood friends plus a few other families.  B really got the hang of trick or treating and the big guys were out to set world records on the number of houses they could get to.
And the halloween candy, while annoying, has been good timing for bribery for the little one to poop in the potty.  Its worked.  And A had spacers put in last week in preparation for his braces next week, which has limited the candy he can have (no sticky, tacky, chewy etc).

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