Wednesday, October 31, 2018

B is potty trained

I love when they snuggle together, even if its watching a show.  
We decided last weekend was the weekend to potty train B.  I wasn't sure how it would go, but he seemed ready and I was definitely done changing diapers.  We put him in underwear one morning, not having any idea how things would go, but he did really well.  He's had a few pee accidents, but has pooped only in the potty.  Part of the reason I've waited so long was because we've had a lot of changes (moving out of our house, starting school, starting a new daycare, mom went out of town etc).  I continued to make up excuses of why now wasn't a good time.  Plus, I didn't want to be, nor could we be, stuck at home for long periods.  Last weekend (after he was done being sick), we just went about our lives and had him in underwear.  Monday he and I were home most of the day and so we had time to practice running to the potty when he needed to and now it seems like diapers are just a thing of the past.  I am proud of him, and I think most importantly, he's very proud of himself.  And now its documented!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

This is Life (with a lot of flexibility)

 This past weekend, we had big plans.  Friday night was Brian's company halloween party (which is usually really fun).  Saturday my cousin was in town and we were all meeting for brunch to see her and Saturday night we had another halloween party.  Friday, we got all dressed up (above) as morphs and one small dinosaur and drove downtown to the party.  All day B had been saying his belly hurt, but honestly I thought it was constipation from being potty trained.  We parked and got out of the car and he puked all over the sidewalk, so we got back in the car, turned around and came home.  And that was our weekend, vomit and naps.  Flexibility is a good skill to have :)

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Pumpkin Carving

 Annual pumpkin carving is always a big hit.  Each year the talent gets better and better.  This year, inspired by artists at the Glow at the Gardens, LT searched pinterest and found a few ideas he liked to piece together for his final creation.  Ads did a similar thing and they ended up pretty creative.  And B, always his creative self, made his own version using paint and markers.

Friday, October 26, 2018

How B rides

Glow at the Gardens

 We went to Glow at the Gardens again this year with 3 other families.  Despite being a little chaotic and almost losing a few kids a few times, it was really fun. 
 This pic turned out too blurry, but I love the silhouette of Brian and B.
And the nearly 1000 pound pumpkin with most of the kids.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

40th birthday/friendaversary trip to Mexico

 When you've been friends with people 40 years of your 40 years of life, it warrants a trip to Mexico (in our minds at least).  It was so relaxing to lay by the adult pool and talk.  All.  Day.  Long.  We each brought several books to read (none of which got read).  Instead, we talked from the moment we got on our (6 AM) flight until we got off the plane 5 days later.  And apparently we didn't get it all out because we've seen each other twice since and still had more to talk about.


Just a parking lot front seat sit.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

B "reading"

Of course he's not actually reading the book. He has it memorized. Which is impressive in it's own right.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

recently (and not so recently)

Most trips to the hardware store these days require a hard hat and a healthy snack.

The first demo took place over a month before the real demo was scheduled to begin.

Some walls got destroyed and some got new paint.

Years ago  LT drew this picture of him and I golfing. I had it hanging in the combination guest room and office in the basement ever since. With the impending remodel and purge, it was finally time to say goodbye to it. But I took a picture of it so I could archive it here and remember it. 

More often than not as the last kid B is having to tag along with whatever the schedules of the rest of the family dictate. But we had some free time recently one weekend and, wanting to give him a chance to choose an activity, Kari asked him what he wanted to do. Without hesitation he said he wanted to go hiking at Red Rocks. So that's what we did. 

Spring Fling cake was the centerpiece of a combined (B & A) family birthday celebration for the two younger brothers. 

And what better forum than a family birthday celebration to learn to eat corn off the cob with Grandpa. 

On the day of AC's birthday we tried to go out to dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory downtown, which was set to close the following week. Apparently we weren't the only ones with the idea of a last nostalgic dinner there (I still remember going with my grandparents) because at 5:15 there was a line out the door and around the corner. We ended up at the Cheesecake Factory nearby   

Just me and these two for a night at Great Wolf Lodge as yet another part of the succession of birthday events. They had a blast and I read an entire book in the course of the weekend.

Checking out the house at various stages of the demo. 

B rode a pony for first (and likely the last) time at the Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms corn maze festival.

Watching some shows at the coffee shop while mom and dad meet with the designer to talk about kitchen cabinets and boring stuff like that.  

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Swim Lessons

B started swim lessons this week.  I was a little hesitant given his resistance to swim lessons last summer, but he did great and I am impressed with the program.  Within 30 minutes, they had him wearing goggles (he likes the idea, but the reality not so much typically), kicking on his own holding a floating dumb bell and even put his face in the water.  But... the only picture I got of him was this one enjoying his lollipop afterwards.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Update pics of the house

 The demo is still underway.  We met with our contractor yesterday to finalize what to demo.  This is a picture from our bedroom into Ads bath.

 And the old master bath which will soon be the master suite.