Wednesday, January 24, 2018


 Last week, for the first time, I listened to MLKs entire speech.  I had heard bits of it over my life, but I decided it was something that deserved my time.  I wasn't shocked, but saddened to hear his words and how much of that speech applies today.  Its easy, as a white person, to turn our backs and pretend everything is "better" and racism is a thing of the past.  However, the more I learn and listen, the more I realize thats just white privilege and not truth.  As boring as my work can be at times, its also incredibly eye opening to the realities of our country.  I recently watched a Ted Talk for work about racism and implicit bias.  In it, the speaker compared racism to oral hygiene.  The gist was that one doesn't wake up with clean teeth one day and be done with oral care.  We brush daily, go to the dentist, eat non sugary food etc.  Its daily work.   The same is true with racism.  One can't announce one day that they aren't a racist.  Its a constant learning process, never complete.  For some reason this really resonated with me.  I have made a conscious effort to be more aware, to learn more, read more and listen more to anything regarding racism (even when its hard to hear).  I am trying my best to listen, truly listen.  I am trying to lean into my own biases, recognizing them and work on them.  Its a struggle at times, but its an important one, and something I personally can't turn my back to.  I hope our kids can do the same with our support.   The marade is a start, and a chance for us to discuss racism openly with our kids each year (though we talk to them often about their white privilege and the sadness of it all).  My hope is that with baby steps, racism will be lessened in our country and that our little family can learn little by little how to be better people.  I am hopeful and not afraid to have these discussions.  
MLK day was really cold (high of 25), but we marched anyway.  We walk from our house to the start and march with several families.  We cut out a little early to make a big loop back to our house (and stop for lunch on the way).  B hasn't missed a marade yet!

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