Sunday, October 9, 2016

Let him eat cake!

We (kind of, anyway) follow the time honored and scientifically validated methodology of not giving babies sugary food in their first year and then shocking their system with a huge pice of cake on their first birthday.  Spring Fling cake from The Market is the traditional first cake in our family. It's also the cake we had for our wedding, so apparently we kinda like it.  Blane didn't get a big party for his birthday (things are a little different for the last kid) but he did get cake. Here are a few photos commemorating the occasion. He didn't go as crazy with the cake as his brothers did (i.e. see Landon's and Alder's) but he did enjoy it, even pausing to clap for himself at one point while his family cheered him on, "yay Blane!"

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