Monday, October 31, 2016

Fall Fun

 The boys decided Baby B should be a duck for halloween, I think he'd be cute as anything, but this is a cute and cozy costume.
 I was lucky to be able to go once again to Sunflower Farm with Adler's class.
 These two are best buds.
 I had lunch and coffee with some friends the other day and Baby B found the pile of pumpkins which entertained him for awhile.
 We went to Glow at the Gardens with some friends.

 But trying to get the four of them in one photo was impossible, this was the best I could do.

 B discovered the joy of throwing leaves!

 And rocks!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

More photos from Austin


 For fall break we took a quick trip down to explore Austin.  We had no plans other than a place to stay and flights.  

 The first day we found ourselves at a science children's museum which was really incredible. 

 Its hard to find things that work for the different ages, but this museum was fun for all.
 I'd heard that Austin had really good food and we found this to be very true.  We found a burger place the first night.
 The second day we went to a huge park that has Barton Springs in it.  We went on a train ride, played at the playground and then Landon and Brian braved the 69 degree water and jumped into the springs!

 Blane officially mastered going up stairs in our town home.

 On the plane ride down, the woman sitting next to me told me about Big Top Candy Shop.  We had to check it out.  3500 different types of candy!

 Including candy cigarettes which I had to introduce my kids to (we talked about real cigarettes and the harm they do, but these were fun!)
 And like all tourists, we had to have our family photo taken in front of this famous sign.
It was 92 degrees with  lots of humidity!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Baby in a box

Blane enjoying the big box his new carseat came in.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

We've got a walker

Baby B has been taking a step or two for awhile now, but just the past few days has been putting multiple steps together.  He still crawls plenty, but his walking is pretty cute.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Birthday gifts

With some help from Grandma, the big guys made a couple of really sweet birthday gifts for their baby brother. Landon made him a teddy bear and Adler made him a hat.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Skiing inside

One of Adler's friends had a pretty unique birthday party at an indoor ski center. His older brother is in Landon's class so he got to experience it too.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Let him eat cake!

We (kind of, anyway) follow the time honored and scientifically validated methodology of not giving babies sugary food in their first year and then shocking their system with a huge pice of cake on their first birthday.  Spring Fling cake from The Market is the traditional first cake in our family. It's also the cake we had for our wedding, so apparently we kinda like it.  Blane didn't get a big party for his birthday (things are a little different for the last kid) but he did get cake. Here are a few photos commemorating the occasion. He didn't go as crazy with the cake as his brothers did (i.e. see Landon's and Alder's) but he did enjoy it, even pausing to clap for himself at one point while his family cheered him on, "yay Blane!"