Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Date Day

 Brian was in Germany all last week which means its one adult for the three kids, equalling even less attention per kid.  Everyone was so helpful and we made it, but I promised that when Brian got home I would take each of the big guys on a one on one date.  Landon wanted to go to the Robotics exhibit at Nature and Science and then we stopped at my friends kids lemonade stand on the way home (they were raising money for cancer because one of their kids has cancer and the other friends mom has cancer).  Landon loved that idea.

 And Adler wanted to get pedis, manis and ice cream!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Children's Museum

 B took a short nap yesterday and it was very hot out, so we headed to the children's museum for the afternoon.  This was the first time B actually could play and move and so the big guys introduced him to the baby area.  It was so fun to watch the big guys crawl around and play with him.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

League meet

 LT qualified for league in every event he swam this season.  You can only swim 3 individual events and two relays.  Above is his relay team, they came in second in both the medley and free relays.  

He did really well in his 25 back, 25 free and 50 free also.  Above you can see he came in 4th in the 25 back (the list continued onto the next page, so this was out of 30 or so kids).  He came in 6th out of 47 in 25 free.  We didn't stay long enough for the 50 free results, but he qualified for state in it and took off a full second.  Next week is state, 3 individual events and 2 relays again!

Friday, July 22, 2016

a missed photo

From a few months ago when the baby was really a baby. I think I forgot to post this one. Better late than never.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Neighbor pool

 Our neighbors and friends have a pool in their yard.  We went over today for brunch and to swim.  They have 5 girls, 4 older (around our big guys age) and a baby who is just days older than Blane.  There were a few other families from the boys school there too, which made it really fun.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Swim buds

 So many of both Brian and my summer childhood memories are of fun with friends after swim team or at swim meets.  We've only been members of our pool for a year, but the boys (and us) are slowly getting to know more and more people.  Today was a breakthrough for the boys.  Adler had his "B" league swim meet which I took him to.  Below he was playing card games with friends.  My dad took Landon to practice, but Landon really wanted us to come if we were finished in time (and we were).  After practice, we usually rush out, but today he said, "I want to hang out with my friends".  He headed over to where a group of three were standing and they talked for quite awhile.  I couldn't be happier that they have found the same joy in swim team that both Brian and I had as kids.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Squish at the pool

 The big guys spent last week in the mountains with Baba at grandma camp which meant we had time to do stuff on squish's schedule.  We spent a lot of time at the pool with various friends.  
 I can't get enough of his rolls.  

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Its open!

Our family has been anxiously waiting for the coffee shop on our block to re open (due to several changes, it was closed for awhile).  It opened this morning and after taking the boys on a bike ride/run, we stopped for a snack and coffee.  

Swim meet fun

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Moving, moving, moving

Baby Blane is on the go now. He's crawling pretty proficiently and getting into everything. 

Monday, July 11, 2016


 Brian took the big guys up to the mountains to stay with his mom for the week and so I was in Denver with Blane on a Sunday night.  Every Sunday evening through the summer, City Park has free jazz concerts.  We headed over with a few friends of mine.  The little girl next to Blane is 2, she's small, but he's huge!  The other little guy is just a week older than Blane and really tall.  I tried my best to get a picture of the two of them, but they are both on the move right now.

 Caught getting mommy's wine.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Birthday Surprise

 Brian surprised me yesterday and took me out for a late birthday celebration.  About a year ago I learned of the books and website for Awkward Family Photos, which I find to be hilarious.  There is an exhibit at the Colorado History Museum right now showcasing some of these hilarious photos.  At the end is a chance for you to create your own awkward photo.  A woman who was there with her husband and 7 year old son helped us dress for the above photo, but I think I like the simplicity of the photo below better.  
Afterward we went to Punchbowl social for a drink and to play games, but were turned away due to an expired license.  We quickly went home and grabbed my passport and then headed to D Bar for some really yummy food.  

Saturday, July 9, 2016

9 years and 9 months

 Landon turned 9 this year and his well check visit happened to coincide with Blanes 9 month appt, so we scheduled them together.  
 Blane is almost 23 pounds and pretty tall!  Landon is very tall and very skinny.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Another Swim meet

 We were supposed to be camping this weekend, but Landon has been pretty sick and we had to change plans and stay in Denver.  Unfortunately LT wasn't able to swim in the meet today either, but Adler was.  Here he is with 2 buddies from school in the heating area for his first ever 25 back!  He was second to last in his heat (everyone else had already gotten out of the pool), but he proudly asked, "did I win?!"  I replied with a very honest "No, you came in 4 out of 5, but you did a great job staying on your back and completing a new race for you!"  He was quite content with my honesty and proud of himself.  
And heating with another friend for the 25 free.