Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving '12

We had Thanksgiving at Baba's house in the mountains this year and the boys got to spend some time with both sets of grandparents. LT (with a little help) made decorations and place mats for the table. Appropriately, he also found himself at the head of the table for dinner. Adler, having just been woken up from an unplanned nap, cried though most of dinner.

The boys made ice cream with Grandpa. To be honest, I expected it to be a disaster. But the whole operation went very smoothly, was only a little messy, and the results were fantastic. I was rather fascinated and impressed with the whole thing so took a lot of photos.

I may or may not have helped myself to a late-night bowl of homemade ice cream after everyone was asleep the last couple nights.


I brought a bunch of photo gear up with me with the great intention of taking some family photos. I was thinking this might be a good opportunity to get some shots of the boys with their grandparents. But I couldn't convince anyone other than Grandpa's new dog Daisy to come pose in my makeshift studio (and Daisy wasn't exactly an easy subject). Not even LT would sit for photos and he usually likes to show off for the camera. 

Of course LT changed his tune and demanded that I take some pictures of him after I tore down most of the gear.

A family viewing of a few episodes Curious George preceded the big dinner.

As did a little nap. Adler fell asleep face down in couch with his little butt in the air. And Grandpa fell asleep next to him not long after.

Bowen and Daisy hit it off pretty well. Although Bo's advanced age becomes all the more obvious in contrast to a young dog like Daisy. 

 The old man held his own plying with the young pup but it wore him out for sure.

Friday, November 23, 2012

LT Skis

So sometimes I fall a little behind on posting photos and things. A little. For example, getting new ski gear for LT recently reminded me that I had a bunch of pictures of him skiing last season that I hadn't put up yet. So here are some shots from last February. Better late than never.

LT hasn't exactly shown tons of athletic ability so far in his life. But there are a few areas where he has shown some potential and skiing is one of them. More importantly though is that he really seems to like it. I think he skied fourteen days last season. I can't remember the last time I got that many days in. He's definitely still a beginner but, after I gave up the idea of teaching him and we got him in legitimate lessons, he really did great for a five year old in his first year.

Telluride & Apples

We went to Telluride last month for a wedding and made a stop on the way there to pick apples at a little farm/orchard along the way. Despite eating a few while we were picking, we ended up with 23lbs of apples! 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

the 'molished house

Here's Adler watching the work at "the 'molished house" two doors north of our old house. The move to our new place has mostly gone really smoothly for everyone. But Adler was pretty devastated when he found out the house to the south of our old place was going to be torn down too and he wouldn't be able to watch the work in action.  

Randoms from the phone

Sunday, November 18, 2012


3rd birthday redux

Adler's birthday was in September and he did have a party with his friends but we also had some family celebration dinners at Billy's (above) and White Fence Farm (below).  Sometimes pictures I take with my phone get forgotten about for a while and that's why these photos from September are just now getting posted.. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Modern Family

Adler: "What are you looking at mommy?"
Kari: "Facebook. What are you looking at Adler?"
Adler: "Trash trucks!"