Friday, September 30, 2011


It's unfair to broadly label the boy's personalities.  But I'll do it anyway. LT is the cautions and reserved one while Adler is the daring and fearless one. So I actually consider us pretty lucky to have made it two full years of Adler's life without taking Adler to the ER for stitches or a broken bone. Unfortunately, we didn't make it too far beyond two years. Today at nap time he was trying to get his water bottle off the bedside table and fell cut his head.

Kari picked me up at work on the way to the ER.  We took him to the new Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children at P/SL which our pediatrician recommended.  They were friendly and efficient and it wasn't much more than an hour before we were on our way with five new stitches in little Adler's head.

As I'm sure would be the case for most two year olds, he wasn't too happy while getting sewed up. But we are home now and he's doing great. We are sitting in the front yard as I write this and he is laughing and talking and even playing a little football with his mom.

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