Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big day for a little guy

Today was Adler's first day of school.

after breakfast snack
Ten minutes after breakfast he needed a "nack" because he was "hungee." 

review mirror
Sitting patiently in his car seat outside school waiting to go in while I fiddle around with my camera.

Kari had to work today. While she can make it to drop him off and get to work on-time, it's pretty tight.  I'm not working this week so I was going to drop him off by myself but she changed her mind at the last minute and came along.

first day of school
His tiny pre-school is in the basement of a family home but he insists on calling it his big school or even  high school

He was doing great when we left.  He loves "bacuuming" up the "mess" and there's a big play kitchen where he can pretend to cook, which is one of his favorite things in the world.

Like I said, he seemed really happy when we left.  And he was happy when we picked him up - he was excited to tell Kari that he had cooked in the kitchen..  But, according to the report from his teacher, he got pretty sad about thirty minutes into his three hour day and stayed sad for nearly half the time.  Hopefully tomorrow is a little better (for him and his teacher, it was fine for us).  

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