Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Park time

The boys and I love going over to the little park by our house to play, especially this time of year when its not too hot or cold. Last week, after naps, the boys and I went to play for awhile before checking out the new Hops and Pie (beer and pizza place) close to our house. Just recently LT discovered that slides aren't too scary and can actually be fun. However, he didn't figure this out until after he saw Adler flying down huge slides by himself. Adler really has little fear. This is him as he launches himself down the biggest slide at the playground. LT asked to go down it a few weeks ago, but only if Adler would go with him.

LT was making sand angels, I am not quite sure why his feet were in the air, but thats how you made them that day.
The two boys created a huge road in the sand, together. Its so fun to watch them play together now!
Adler copies everything his brother does, but its not unheard of for LT to copy what Alder is doing!
I am mostly happy that Adler isn't walking full time yet, but there are occasions that I wish he was. The park is one of those times. I can tell the sand hurts Adler's knees to crawl on, but he has luckily figured out the crab crawl for the time being.

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