Saturday, April 25, 2009


LT, like many other little boys his age, really loves Thomas the Tank (Percy, James and Gordon too). He also loves his music class, in fact he asks for it almost everyday, and definitely knows where the building that the class is held is when we drive or walk past. The class is organized into "semesters" and each semester comes with a new CD of songs. By the time a new semester comes, both Brian and I are eagerly awaiting the new songs because that is all we are able to listen to in the car when LT is with us. Luckily, the music is pretty good. None of us know the new songs when the semester begins and so we listen to it to learn the lyrics quickly. This semester there is a train song, which, once found, is frequently asked to be played on repeat (and unfortunately it is very short). This video is from one of the first times we listened to the CD and, as you can see, he quickly puts together the lyrics of the train song and his Thomas trains. I will translate below what he is saying because the video isn't very good. The song isn't very clear on this video either, but it basically says "Chugga choo choo" over and over again with train sounds and whistles.

"Train song"
"Oh, Chugga, trains, chugga"
"chugga, house, chugga, trains"
"Percy, oh two Percy's"
"Choo Choo"

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