Brian and I couldn't stop laughing yesterday at all the funny, cute, intuitive things LT was saying to us. I had a hard time while Bri was at work not telling him everything LT was saying, and so I would IM him cute quotes throughout the day from LT. I am sure Brian got annoyed with me, but then once he got home, the roles switched. I was trying to work upstairs while he played with LT. Bri ended up doing the same thing and IMd me every few minutes, from downstairs, something cute LT said. Of course we can't remember them all already... Every time we turned around we were shocked by what he was saying. Of course, writing them down never does it justice, you just can't reproduce his sweet little voice and adorable 2 year old "accent". However, we will do our best to give you the gist of some of the funny things LT has been saying lately (any of you who have small children or have grown children could probably list many many funny lines from your kids as well, this age is just too cute). As most parents, Brian and I understand much more of what LT is actually saying than others do, so I will write these as phoenetically as I can straight from LT and then translate for all of you :)
-Yesterday, I asked LT if he was poopy, he replied, "Etti, no poopy, Hay, faaat" (LT isn't poopy, Hailie farted!) Already blaming the dog.
-During a haircut (by mom!), he said, "kippers feel yunny" (clippers feel funny).
-We came home to find his elmo backpack destroyed in the backyard, his response, "Oh man, Bone bake it, Elmo pack pack boken" (Oh man! Bowen break it, Elmo backpack broken). The best part was he proceeded to pick it all up from the backyard and throw it away, never once upset. Then he came in and said, "mama, new elmo pack pack?"
-At dinner last night, Brian and I were talking about how all the little kids are sick, LT replied, "sosi, no sintins, Z, no sintins" (Sofi, no symptoms, Zack no symptoms). I think he's ready to get back to playing with his buddies!
-LT likes to help cook by getting his "white stoo" (white stool) and watching. He, knock on wood, has been good about not touching the burner if we tell him its hot. While making eggs, LT looked in the pan and said, "oh, eggs! chicken in?"
-Brian and I are taking LT down to Phoenix next week to relax by the pool, the last time I took him swimming, he wasn't very happy. I heard there was a great pool in our neighborhood and wanted to try out swimming with him (for those of you who live in our neighborhood, the Ashland rec center has a great little kid pool!). I said, "LT do you want to go swimming" (not thinking he would even remember what it was.) He said, "Yup (common answer to most things), simming in waba" (swimming in water). I then said, "OK, we have to put on your swim diapie". He said, "Oh neat! Nemo diap, simming in Nemo diap, Etti, waba, yep, etti simming nemo diap, waba, oh neat!, yep, yep yep". (Oh neat, nemo diaper!, swimming in nemo diaper, LT water...) I am still pretty sure that he was more excited about wearing the nemo diaper than the actual swimming, but he was a good sport about it and had some fun.
-This morning, LT was taking the vacuum apart and was holding the cover to the dust bag. I said, "LT that is gross, can we put it back?" He said, "Nope, I yike (like) it!"
-We find out tomorrow whether LT will have a little brother or sister. For the past 2 months we have been asking him regularly whether he is going to have a brother or a sister, a sister or a brother, whether the baby is a boy or a girl or a girl or a boy. LT is very consistent that it is just a "yep, baby". He, at least daily, sometimes hourly, lifts up my shirt to give the baby a hug and a kiss, sometimes to feed it also. While he doesn't fully understand the implications of actually having a new brother or sister, he definitely is pretty cute about it right now and excited. He also LOVES babies. Especially Ofelia (Sofi's sister).
Some of Brian's and my favorite things he says are:
crackcoons (racoons)
yeyo bus (yellow bus)
yotion (lotion)
The word that he says the most often, yet leaves both Brian and I befuddled, is "sopping". He says it about 10 times a day, in all different contexts. He has said it while looking for food, playing in the backyard, during music class, driving in the car, playing Thomas trains... just about everywhere. Anyone, anyone, any ideas as to what this might mean? We have been looking for patterns, but there just isn't one. He doesn't seem to be frustrated that we don't understand, but I sure wish I knew what it meant!