Saturday, June 30, 2007

Play Date

You've probably seen the commercial (I can't even remember what it was for) where all the kids are on a play date and it shows the kids sleeping and the moms drinking wine and gossiping. I suspect there's more truth to it than I first thought.

Here are some pictures from Landon's play date on Friday. Moms and Kids only! Dad was at work when these were taken. But to be fair I should mention that mom let dad have his own play date at happy hour after work for a few hours!

Boy's Team

The addition of Landon shifted the balance of power in the family. The boy's team now outnumbers the girl's team 3-2.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Silver Bullets

It seems everyone out there is trying to sell you the 'silver bullet' to help you calm your baby. I can understand why - new parents are a vulnerable and willing to try just about anything, so they are easy targets.

We've got a pretty calm baby and even we've tried a number of the silver bullet solutions with varied degrees of success.

Last night we watched the first part of the Dunstan Baby Language DVD. Its silver bullet claim is that all babies speak the same language for the first three months of life. The language consists of five distinct cries each expressing a specific need (eat, sleep, burp, etc.).

Time will tell if this works for us. Initial trials with Landon are encouraging, however, and the thing he's telling us the most is that we need to burp him more! Takes after his dad on that one I guess.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Kari took Landon to visit Shawn and little Zach yesterday.

When they were younger I thought that Zach and LT looked a lot alike. Not so much now. Zach is looking more and more like his dad (poor kid) and LT is looking more and more chubby!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bird Attack

But perhaps "Bird Attacked" would be a more appropriate title.

Right as we were sitting down to dinner Kari started yelling, "ahhhh, they're attacking a bird! They're attacking a bird!" I look outside to see a frenzy of brown and white as our dogs chased a little bird around the little side yard. I opened the door and went out to try and stop them but sure enough the bird decided to come on inside in an attempt to escape his would be killers. I cannot possibly do justice to Kari's reaction at this point but it's safe to say it was neither calm or quiet.

Against all odds (and after some struggles) we managed to get the dogs locked away and coax the bird out of the front door.

I was worried that the bird was badly hurt but it flew away as I was trying to take a picture of it to post here so I guess/hope that it's alright.
So, instead of a bird picture I'll include one Kari took of Bowen for contrast - not much of a hunter is he?

Throughout the whole messy affair Landon just sat and contently sucked on his little nuk.

Mr. T

The light makes it a little hard to see but make sure to check out the sweet mohawk (hey, better than a mullet). Luckily a bath returned his hair to normal not long after this was taken.

He's not as chubby as this makes him look but the truth is the kid can eat!

Dad loves me

He's usually happier with his dad than he looks in this picture.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


LT went with us and his grandparents to Chautauqua for his first hike today. He rode in his sling and just cooed the whole way. After carrying him for an hour and a half I gained a little appreciation for what it must be like to be pregnant.


Gotta stretch before we get up for the day.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Weekend

The weekend is finally here.
Unfortunately going back to my job this week
has gotten in the way of my taking pictures of the little man (and posting them). Here are a few shots taken while hanging out with the family this morning.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

School's out

Katie and Jack (two of Kari's former students) came over to see Landon a few days ago. This reinforced to me how much I'm sure she will be missed by the kids, parents, administration, and other teachers at her school. However, I think that my family and especially Landon are very lucky to have her and the school's loss is without a doubt a big win for us!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pretty good sleeper


Yesterday afternoon I accidentally forgot to flip the hand lock on our security door. I was walking down the stairs with Landon in my arms right as the mailman was coming up to the house. The dogs were barking and jumping up on the door and Bowen (the big guy) managed to hit the handle and much to his surprise the door opened. Needless to say the mailman was also surprised but somewhat less enthusiastic than Bowen about the turn of events. The dogs went out the door, mail went into the air, and the mailman took of the other direction. Without really thinking I charged out the door, jumped over our little planter, tackled the big dog and pinned him to the ground. Amazingly I did all this with Landon in one arm (the football hold works pretty well). Perhaps even more amazing is that Landon wasn't the slightest bit upset by all of this and he even seemed a little amused by it all.

Back to the office

I'm back in the office today. It's hard being away from the little guy but I can take solace knowing he is in the best of hands. We are very lucky to be able to have Kari stay home with LT (and that she wants to).

Saturday, June 16, 2007


I'd say we've been very lucky with little Landon so far because the moment caught in this picture is pretty rare. He is just a really easy going guy and doesn't fuss or cry very much.

Someone else drank the water

Eric, Sarah and little Jossilyn came over to visit yesterday. Not even two weeks old and LT has girls coming to visit him. Not sure where he gets that from - certainly not from his dad!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Just a few more pictures

The Next Generation

Helen Boyd and my mom came to visit Landon today. For the first few years of my life Helen was our next door neighbor and her first son Brewster was born just a few months after me. The air was thick with nostalgia as the two of them held LT and told stories of my early childhood. Now thirty years later Brewster and his wife Ali are expecting a baby just a few months after Landon. If we could just get them to move back to Denver as our neighbor and we would have come full circle in a generation.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cafe Caliente

I'm working from home this week so I can spend some extra time with the new guy. Today we walked (we didn't even make it a block on our walk before LT needed to take a break and get a little snack - the kid can eat) down to Cafe Caliente and I worked while Kari and Landon enjoyed the cafe scene and Grandpa Bill even joined us for a while.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First Bath!

Mead St.

We took LT in his bucket to Mead St. last night with Becca and Kari's parents. He slept thought the whole thing.

After dinner Becca hung out with Landon for over an hour and she showed no signs of giving him up. However, after he peed all over her she did finally give him back!

Becca, LT says he's really sorry.

Monday, June 11, 2007

There must be somthing in the water

Today we all drove out to Sky Ridge hospital to visit little Zach who was born only a few days after Landon.

Sitting next to Zachary was the first time in Landon's life that he didn't look so tiny to me.

Albert is also a geek so he has baby info on the web too.