Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Mt Bierdstadt

My college friend sent me a text months ago, "Do you want to climb Bierdstadt with me on July 5?"  Of course my answer was yes, honestly not thinking about it being the day after the 4th.  I mentioned it to the big kids and they both immediately wanted to join.  And then Landon got two friends to join and before we knew it, we were a big group in our tiny mountain place for the 4th of July weekend.  But it was so fun!  We went to the parade in Vail, the big kids adventured in the afternoon and then I put them to bed early and off we went at 4:30 AM July 5 to climb Bierdstadt.  
Unfortunately, my friend wanted to start later than we did, so we only saw her on the trail on our way down, but it was a fun day nonetheless!


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