Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Halloween and Elsie

Halloween weekend was a busy one.  These two carved pumpkins on Friday night.
Saturday, B had a soccer game, then we went to the gardens to visit Elsie's tree, went trick or treating on Colfax with friends, kids had a piano recital and then we had dinner.  

The kids school brought back the annual halloween parade.  Ads and his three buddies were these ride on chickens.

B was a skeleton and I got to spend the afternoon in his class for their party and helping with Halloween activities.

Unfortunately I didn't take a lot of photos on Halloween night, partly because we didn't really have our kids.  LT had a few friends over for dinner and to watch movies and wander around, B went with my brother and nephews and Ads went with a friend.  Brian and I had friends pop in and out all night for a drink.  All in all it was a good weekend, but a busy exhausting one!
And of course the aftermath.


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