Friday, July 8, 2022

Summer Fun- Number 2!

I am the social chair at VV this year, which means that our family gets to spend a lot of time at the pool.  But... it also means we have first grabs at spots for craft nights and other events.  The first craft night were these super cool glowy lava lamps!
Between swim practice and swim lessons, its a good idea to practice lifeguarding on different stands.

I took Lexi, LT and B to the mountains last week for a night before the others joined.  We snuggled inside the first night during a huge rainstorm and then we all headed out for a beautiful hike (only to be rained and hailed on on our way down.)

And LT's friend from his younger years moved to Singapore.  Whenever they visit, we get together, this year we met them up in the mountains for a weekend.


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