Sunday, May 16, 2021

Mid May

With vaccines readily available (for 12 and up), we have begun opening up a bit more and with that comes a busy lifestyle again.  Its been really refreshing to see people in person again and have some noise and laughter (outside of our family) back in our home.
Last weekend was mothers day (while its not my favorite day, Brian and the boys made it special with our annual hike and Indian food).  My uncle was also in town and so both my brothers, our family, and my brothers mom spent the afternoon together.  
B loves playing games, he has a few favorites, but seems to get a new one out occasionally.
While catching up, LT hasn't quite passed Brian (he towers over me now, sigh).
A zoo day with my little one.
Friday night, the big guys had their buddies (brothers about the same age and neighbors) spend the night.  Saturday am, these guys left bright and early for an all day ultimate tournament.  Unfortunately, neither Brian nor I were able to attend, but they report that it was a great day!
A friend of mine sent me this photo.
Meanwhile the other three had bacon and cinnamon rolls before B's soccer game.

B and his friend's teacher came to their game with her new puppy.  The puppy was a much bigger hit than the game.
After the game, we had tickets to walk along the new part of I-70 that is recently finished, but not yet open to drive on.  While waiting for my brother and nephews, our two kids found the game console in our new car.

We were a little worried about walking back to the car with all these kids, but they had free golf cart rides!  Probably the best part of the whole afternoon for these guys.
And I am not sure we would have made it back in time without the golf carts for LT's first vaccine!  We scheduled it with his two buddies.
Uncle Steve played Mario Kart with all the kids while Brian and I made dinner for everyone.
The Coflax marathon is a tradition for me.  I've done it every year (with the exceptions of my pregnancy years and obviously last year when it was canceled).  The half marathon and marathon aren't until the fall, but today a friend and I did the 10 K.


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