As the COVID numbers get more and more grim, I try and stay focused on what we do have control over and what IS good in our lives. This photo above was taken on a hike this past week. While the whole world is turned upside down in so many ways, if I take a step back, so much remains the same. Nature being one of those things.
These pictures were taken on cleaning day last Sunday, as you can see we had some super helpers :) In all fairness, they are all very helpful with their specific jobs and never complain about the work it takes to clean our house.
When we were quarantined a few weeks ago, grandma brought over a few activities for the kids to do and left them on our porch. We were in the mountains when she stopped by and I had forgotten about them until this week.
Brian went mountain biking last weekend and while he was gone, I needed to drop LT off at a friends house. I left the middle one in charge and when I came home, they had cleaned and were doing art together.
Another activity grandma brought over was ivory soap carving, which was a big hit with these two. Ads made a spoon as you can see below.
B will start kindergarten next year and so we have applied to the big guys school. Part of the application is a "playdate". This usually consists of 5 kids playing at the school. Given the pandemic, it was just B and one adult from the admissions team, in the parking lot, masked. He thought it was "way too short".
And on Wednesday, I logged into the parent town hall meeting and found A had changed my profile picture to ironman. Never a dull moment over here.
Can't believe they fit him perfectly.
Hair salon is a popular, timeless game over here.
One of B's best buddies from school (and his mom and I knew each other before we had these two) is moving to Montana. On Thursday we went to the zoo with a little group of the kids in the class as a goodbye.
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