Saturday, August 22, 2020

Week 23

We spent the few days after camping at our place in the mountains.  With all the fires burning around Colorado, we were worried about the smoke, however, the air was surprisingly mostly ok.  The kids did a lot of scootering in our parking lot with the neighbor kids.  Brian took all three of them on a pretty long hike and on Tuesday we met friends for SUP and sand castle building.  

And because of all the fire bans, we haven't been able to have many campfires, but the boys were itching to.  Our gas fireplace never disappoints.
The Nordstrom Anniversary sale has been going on the past few weeks and so boxes have been arriving with goodies to try on.  I really loved a lot of their shoes this year and so one night the kids had a pretty impressive shoe parade/fashion show.  Unfortunately the only photo I got was this one.
For our last field trip Friday we went to the zoo and they had a Lego exhibit.  The boys were entertained just reading all the signs about how many Legos each animal required to build.  The winner was the Polar bear mama with three cubs, which used over 100,000 pieces.

The baby lion cubs were snuggling in the sun with their mom as we were leaving, so sweet.
And this grizzly was adorable laying in the sun on top of a rock.
 We also borrowed my friends dog Friday to see if B had any reactions to a doodle mix.  He didn't, which was great and so now we are left with a challenging decision on whether to try out another dog.

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