Starting middle school has been a big change for both LT and our family. He's busy. His school days Fridays are full now (until 6th grade their school has half day Friday) and he plays soccer for his school which is an hour and a half after school, plus games. That means, he often isn't home until 5, I am driving an extra loop to school (though luckily with our neighbors, we have a carpool figured out sometimes). In addition, he's joined student council, continues to swim, will be in a Shakespeare play and we encourage his desire to play with friends as often as possible. All on top of homework. Somehow he balances this all well and is, for the most part, a very happy easy going kid. I don't have a lot of photos of him because a) he doesn't love having his picture taken, and b) he is gone a lot!
Helping his brother decide what to keep from his stitch fix.
Baking a spring fling cake with his buddy (which entailed multiple grocery store trips, a trip to the farmers market and a trip to his friends house to obtain all the correct ingredients).
But it turned out well and was yummy!
He participated in a triathlon at the end of August.
And loves snuggling, reading, puzzling, playing legos and just being with the B man.
And he's still a kid that loves nature, hiking, throwing sticks in the water and just being out on adventures.
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