Thursday, February 8, 2018

Big Guy!

A few of our favorite things B says these days:

Going to bed each night, "I need hold on to yours arms mama".

Anyone, "Hey little guy", B, "No, I BIG guy!"

His brothers, "Guess what?"  B, "CHICKEN BUTT!" 

He is really into trucks, dirt, being outside, reading books, magnatiles, not eating his meals, swimming and being a "big" guy like his brothers.  Here are a few recent photos:

 This morning he wanted to ride his trike.  I told him the balance bike was for "big guys".  He immediately got on it and took off.  No practice necessary.  Last time we brought it out, Brian and I had back aches from leaning over and holding him up.  

 Snuggling, this dude loves snuggling with anyone, but especially his big brothers.  LT reads him stories each night.  
He packed his backpack, put it on and was ready to go to the coffee shop!

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