Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Time to Give

One thing that has always been important to me as a parent is that I teach my kids to give to others.  Its something I make a priority in my own life and something I try and model for our kids.  Its also a reason we chose the school we chose for our kids, they align with this value.  LT's class adopted a family for the holidays.  The kids are then raising money (extra chores, bake sales, raking, shoveling etc) and then piling that money together as a class.  Next Monday several other parents and I are driving all the kids to Target to buy things from the family's list.  Last Friday LT and his friend decided (at the last minute, as in 1 hour before they wanted to start) that they were going to bake goods and sell them at City Floral (owned by LTs friends family).  Together they raised $88.00 in one day!  
Adler's class is giving toys and laundry detergent to families that are living at the Ronald McDonald house over the holidays.  They asked the parents to take the kids shopping to choose a few things, but Adler wanted to raise the money himself.  He wrote a nice email and sent it out to close friends and family.  He raised $55.00 and yesterday I took him shopping to buy things.  Unfortunately I had to front the money because of a bad stomach bug we all got which prohibited the baking from happening before the toys were due, but oh well.  

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