Saturday, October 10, 2015

an eventful weekend

We took the boys to a special dinner out at the ChopHouse Thursday night before the scheduled arrival of little Blane. We were expecting to be admitted to the hospital either Friday night or extremely early on Saturday morning so Kari had arranged for them to stay with her parents Friday night and until we came home with the baby. So Thursday night was supposed to be our last night together with just the four of us and we wanted to do something a little special.  

Friday didn't go quite as planned, however, as Papa had a pretty nasty bike accident, which landed him in the hospital (yes, again - he's pretty beat up but doing okay now). Kari had the foresight to take him to Rose, where Blane would be born the next day, to simplify logistics for everyone a bit.

Adjusting our plans on the fly, we had one more dinner out with the two older boys before the arrival of their little brother. We tried to go to Shells and Sauce but had to reroute to Zorba's due to a very long wait time. Which is probably somehow fitting. And Alder wore his Halloween cheetah costume to dinner. Which is probably also somehow fitting.

We did go to the hospital very early Saturday morning and this little guy came into the world not too much later that day.  

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