Monday, April 28, 2014

A Real Skyscraper

Both of the boys are intrigued by construction and buildings, especially big buildings, and a few weeks ago Adler got onto the topic of skyscrapers. He's been talking about them a lot recently. A lot. A whole lot. We pointed downtown out to him one day while driving on the highway and he was genuinely exited and impressed that little old Denver had its very own skyscrapers (even when I told him that some cities have much much bigger ones). He was even more impressed when I told him I work in one of those big buildings (though far from the biggest among them). So I told the boys I'd take them to see it sometime.  

We were on our way to on our way to the Children's Museum yesterday, a Sunday with free downtown street parking, and decided it would be a good day to go visit daddy's office.  The whole way there Adler talked about wanting to go all the way to the top of the building. I told him that we'd try but that we could probably only go to the 11th floor where I work. He said he understood but really hoped we could go to the top. Miraculously we got onto the elevator with a women, on a Sunday when hardly anyone is ever in the building, who overheard me explaining the situation to Adler for the umpteenth time. It turned out that she worked on the top floor and offered to take us up there. Alder was so happy to go to the "very top of the skyscraper" and, even though I think I'd prepared him, I was very happy not to have to disappoint him. We spent a few minutes looking out the window up there and commenting about how small the cars looked. Then we thanked the nice woman and headed down to my floor. 

LT was happy to see the view from the top too but was much more interested in seeing where I worked. He said that the cars looked pretty small from my window too. I'm not sure if he really thought that or was just trying to make me feel okay about not having the premier office space in the building. He's a thoughtful kid like that. 

Thanks to my mom they both know I have a birthday coming up relatively soon and they each drew me a little birthday wish on my whiteboard. On the left is Adler's picture, which he said was a drawing of me smiling. And on the right is LT's drawing, which maybe doesn't need as much explaining. 

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