Saturday, February 22, 2014

Endless Winter

Today LT went on his first black diamond ski run - Packsaddle Bowl and Lower Go Devil at Keystone. It just happens to be basically the same run I did for my first black when I was a kid, which I thought was kind of cool.  

So, proud and sentimental father that I am, I just had to take some photos to commemorate his accomplishment and post it there. But, in doing so, I realized Kari and I have a bunch of photos from this ski season. So here are some of them.

Here's Adler getting dropped off for his lesson this morning. His instructor, who also teaches fitness classes at our gym, refers to her job teaching the little ones to ski as "extreme babysitting."

Nothing but gourmet lunches for my boys.

We are very lucky to be able to stay at Baba's house in the mountains. Which makes I-70 traffic just kind of a pain rather than totally intolerable. One night after skiing Adler spelled out his name in poker chips . 

Just like his dad, he enjoys a nice cold bubble water after a day on the slopes.

Alder got to do lessons with two of his best friends from school. He's with Marin above and Kian below.

Two weeks ago Adler rode a lift for the very first time. I took the above picture from the chair ahead of them, which I was riding with Landon.

Kari commemorated Adler's fist lift ride too with a selfie of the two of them. 

And the little man did a pretty good job skiing on the 'big' mountain.

Last summer we pre-booked a weekend at the Westin in Beaver Creek, which is a little higher rent that our usual accommodations (it's not *as* expensive when you book 8 months in advance). The hot tub and nearby snowbanks were a huge hit for the boys. The skiing wasn't bad either.

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