Wednesday, December 12, 2012

O Christmas Tree

We are living in a semi-temporary house and our fake Christmas tree is inaccessible buried deep in the storage unit somewhere. So LT (with some help form Kari and about 10,000 hot glue sticks) made a tree for us this year! I sort of like it better than the real fake thing.

Unfortunately hot glue isn't as great of an adhesive as it might seem to tree and five year old boys. I don't remember who's fault it was (probably Adler's) but the tree was in pieces by the end of the day.  But daddy came though a couple days later with a few dollars in screws from the hardware store and a power drill. I think the newly refurbished* and reinforced tree should now hold up though the holiday season at least.

* The word refurbished is fresh on my mind after this recent incident

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