Tuesday, August 28, 2012


first day of kindergarten

Today is LT's first day of kindergarten. They grow up so fast and blah blah blah but, honestly, it's hard for me not to be really sentimental about these milestones in his life. And when I get sentimental, the camera comes out.

I woke LT up a couple minutes early to make sure there was time for a couple pictures in addition to having time to get dressed and not eat much of the breakfast I made him. Eating at mealtime (or not as the case may be) is an ongoing battle in this house. Pictures are rarely a fight though and he was a good sport about heading down to the "studio" for a very quick portrait session. We also got a shot with mom and one with dad on the way out the door. LT wanted the sunflower he'd planted at a recent botanic gardens class to be in the photo too. He gets that sentimental side from me. 

with mom

with dad

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