As usual, Bri takes the better pictures (assuming he has his big camera). Here is the tip of the iceberg, and the crappy shots from my phone camera.
The first morning we got there, Adler woke up a lot earlier than LT. After entertaining him in the hotel for as long as possible, we walked to the coffee shop at the resort.
Posing with the ash tray, always good to see your 20 month old next to ash trays and cigarette butts.
LT joined us a little later and took to chair yoga. Early morning downward dog anyone?
We were in Arizona for mothers day. Bri took Adler early and picked out some flowers for me while LT and I slept in a bit. Then we went out for a hike on South Mountain and Adler so kindly stopped along the trail to pick the perfect rock to give me as a mothers day gift. How sweet, really, its what I always wanted!
And LT, who knows what he was doing, being goofy as usual probably, but when I looked at this picture, it looks as if he's flashing gang signs. He can't be too dangerous in his spiderman sunglasses, pink crocs and an oversized Mickey Mouse Disneyland shirt.
Our boys just love Arizona and our time there each spring. They are the happiest running around free, exploring all there is to see and just being boys.
Sadly we had to come home, but luckily for two boys, taking a car, a bus, a plane, a train, another bus and another car can be pretty fun too. They were incredible travelers.
And... as he's done in the past, LT fell asleep on the bump of the landing in Denver.