Sunday, December 19, 2010

Parade of Lights

The DAC has a big party each year the two nights of the Parade of Lights. I thought it was simply a big buffet and then watching the parade. Boy was I wrong. They have more activities than we had time to do for kids, unbelievably beautiful holiday carols sung by some of the most impressive gospel singers I have ever seen, santa, a tremendous amount of food for everyone, and a big holiday bizarre. We got to the party a little early so that Brian could work out beforehand. While he was working out, the boys and I checked some things out. They made holiday cookies, Adler enjoyed them more than his brother!

And they did multiple holiday crafts. LT went to about 10 of the 15 tables of crafts. He could have stayed in this area all night. I didn't take pictures of the parade, but LT thoroughly enjoyed it. After multiple attempts by Adler to run into the street, I decided to take him inside to wait, but LT sat through the entire parade and talked about it for days after. This was our first year to the parade of lights with the boys, but I am pretty sure we will be back next year!

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