Monday, February 27, 2023

Second Robotics Competition for A

I only took one pic but thanks to Baba for sharing a few more photos from the event. 


Monday, February 20, 2023

Valentines Day

Valentines Day was a little different this year, in some ways.  Unfortunately there was a shooting at LT's school the day before, which caused the school to shut down on Valentines Day.  Despite these very unfortunate and difficult circumstances, we managed to spend the day as a family and make it a decent one.  We had a lot of time for conversations and making sure everyone was OK emotionally.  
I made a pancake bar for the kids in the morning, took LT to Brothers Bar for lunch and we had our traditional fondue for dinner.   Also unfortunately, a terrible stomach virus was going around B's class and he was one of 15 kids to get it Valentines night :(  Not an ideal day, but life can be hard at times.  

I write each kid a valentine heart each day in Feb (I've done this for years and years), B decided to write his brothers each one this year.  So sweet.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Annual B and B overnight and Ski Day

Megan and I took B and B to the mountains Tuesday night to ski Wednesday.  We have done this several times, and they have now asked when we are doing it next.  They are a bit like brother/sister though.  Above, they were arguing (while upside down) about who had put more of the trains away and who needed to put the rest away.
Obviously I had to try the same move.

And some early morning book writing which later in the day would turn into and idea for a book selling business along with offering tutoring in reading, math and art.
And despite the frigid temps, we made it out and skied 4 hours together.  


100 Day Project

I'm not sure how many of these we have left (maybe one after this year?).  They are the cutest.  B wanted to make a monster with 100 eyes to celebrate the 100th day of school this year.

Sunday, February 5, 2023


Bs reading has come far quickly.  Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, he spends a lot of time in the car driving his brothers places.  On Friday, LTs friend handed B his highschool book and helped B read it.