Sunday, June 23, 2024

Wizzard Camp!

B and several of his friends were in Wizzard Camp (Harry Potter).  It was a pretty incredible camp full of magic, potions and best of all Quidditch.  They invited the parents to the multiple quidditch matches on Friday, which was truly fun to watch!


Friday, June 21, 2024

Harry Potter

LT and B are the two of our kids who both have gotten into Harry Potter.  And about the same age.  LT watched B a few nights recently for us while we had events for Ads.  We came home to them snuggling and reading.


Monday, June 17, 2024

B and his buds

B and his buds living in up in the heating area for a swim race.


Beginning of Summer Fun

I am really bad about taking pictures, so most of these were sent to me, but we had a fun beginning to summer.  These two had a pool party in our yard (minus the pool).

We finally had our rescheduled Voices Rock concert (the kids performed a few weeks ago, but the adult choir was rescheduled due to a COVID outbreak).
Ads group in Spain has a WhatsApp photo album, so I took a few of the pictures of Ads from there.

One of my bookclubs celebrating summer.
Ads and his two (twin) host brothers upon first meeting them.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Ads visits Julen

On Ads first day in Spain, he was near where our exchange student from last summer lives.  Julen's family was so kind and picked Ads up and spent the day with him.  Julen's mom sent me all these photos.