Saturday, May 30, 2015

Field Day

Last week, LTs school had their annual field day.  I took Adler because I want him to see a few things that will be happening at his new school next year, plus I thought it would be fun for him.   LT was so sweet and included Ads in every activity.  At the very end of the morning, all the K12 kids did this relay (above) and ended up making a huge human train.  So cool.

 Tug of war, LT in the black shirt.

And Adler somehow at the end of the other side.

Probably my favorite event though was these two participating in the three legged race!

Friday, May 22, 2015


For years I've heard how amazing Snooze breakfasts are, but until today I had never been.  I'm not a huge breakfast or lunch person and so the thought of spending time and money on those meals doesn't appeal to me.  However, it is Adler's first day of summer break, and a rainy one at that.  I decided after dropping LT off that taking him to Snooze would be a nice treat.  I was prepared for an hour wait and decent food.  We checked in and they told us 25-35 minutes so we went in the hallway to wait.  After about 10 minutes they sent me a text saying our table was ready.  Adler ordered pancakes and I got the breakfast tacos.  Adler liked his so much, we ordered him another whole breakfast!  My food did not disappoint, in fact it was one of the better breakfasts I have ever had.  At the end Adler said, "mommy, your pancakes are really good, but these were amazing.  Its OK, I'll still eat yours though."  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A big day

Today Adler graduated from pre-k.  It was emotional for many parents, but for me, I was just proud of our little guy.  He has come so far in the 3 years he's been there.  As a 3 year old, we had to set up a very purposeful goodbye routine and yet he still cried nearly everyday at drop off.  This year, he cried if he didn't have school.  He grew from a love for trash and trash trucks, to diggers and bulldozers, into dinosaurs, Chima and most recently a self declared mine craft lover again.  I can't wait to see his growth over the next few years in elementary school.  

Adler with his two amazing teachers.  

When I asked Adler what he wanted to wear for this special day, he said, "a button shirt, definitely a bowtie and nice button pants".  He chose his outfit from the store and proudly wore it today.  

And after his special graduation morning and class party, we rushed to the Cherry Creek reservoir for Landon's last field trip of the year.  It was a cold day, but the weather didn't stop this crew from plunging into the water and digging in the sand for hours on end.  We are so lucky both boys have had incredible teachers so far and the kids/parents in both classes are nothing less than incredible.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Last day of preschool (party)

The parents were invited today for a party to celebrate the end of pre-k.  These two are just the sweetest.  We sure will miss seeing him everyday.

Often people comment on LTs artistic ability (which Brian and I describe as more of a creative building/inventing artistic talent).  While LT has a talent, I am blown away sometimes by Adler's capabilities, he is quite a little artist.  He sat down today and drew this airplane, very carefully and thoughtfully.  He loves drawing and will sit for a long time drawing pictures.  
His teachers told me today that despite any chaos going on in the classroom, he will focus on projects from start to finish.  

Monday, May 18, 2015

Take aparts

I have been meaning to get rid of several electronic pieces from our storage room, but for one reason or another just haven't gotten around to it.  For those of you who know me, I'm a purger, big time.  I find when my home is less cluttered, my mind and emotions are also less cluttered.  I am happier with less stuff around.  
It comes as no surprise then that when Landon's class had an old computer to take apart one day at choice time, this was the clear thing for us to do at home with our old electronics.  I wasn't able to carry our old enormous TV up the stairs, so we opted for an old DVD player to test the grounds.  The boys were engaged and I sat with them asking questions about how they thought it worked as they took it all apart.  Their answers were quite cute and amusing.  

The boys didn't forget that I had promised them they could take the old TV apart.  While I was at an orange theory class a few days ago, Brian sent me a text of them taking apart the TV, with the same enthusiasm.  We have several other things I plan on getting out this summer for them to take apart.  

K-1-2 end of year performance

Landon also had his end of year music performance recently. Each class was featured in a song (standing up front on the stage).  Adler and I were lucky to have front row seats so for the first time I actually got a decent video.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Last preschool dance performance

Adler had his final preschool dance performance.  He's really come out of his shell and is quite the little show off (especially with daddy around!)  Right before this dance the kids were lined up against the red wall.  In a silent room, waiting for the teacher to give instructions, Adler yelled out, "mommy!  Don't forget to take a video!"  He knows me well.  This was the last dance and up until he yelled at me, I hadn't taken out my phone to video a thing.  Either had Brian.  We got this one on video and I think it captures perfectly Adler, flopping around while everyone else dances.  I'm glad he's his own bird.

Friday, May 15, 2015


There is never a dull moment with this child.  
Wearing mommy's glasses.

A fancy dress found at the dentists office.

Pouting because we can't ride on the same lift as our friend.

Don't you shop with your head IN the grocery cart?

Or ride a bike from underneath?

Sitting front row at a play with mommy.

An early morning picture on the counter.

Full temper tantrum because he had to brush his teeth.

More homemade whipped cream than waffle.

No caption needed.

Breakfast. Despite our best efforts, eating *at* the table is the exception rather than the rule.

He puts himself fully into just about everything he does (for good and bad). 

With style.

His own unique style.

And his own unique ideas. This was at the park but he also instigated similar activities at school a few days later, which resulted in him losing his flip-flops buried in the sand.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Impromtu sledding

 I love the boys school.  I love it for so many reasons, but one day truly stood at as to why I love it so much.  I got an email from the teachers around 8 AM saying, "Its sunny, warm and there is a lot of snow, can you drive on a field trip in a few hours to take everyone sledding for PE?"  The weather was perfect, and the teachers were allowed to and wanted to take advantage of a special day.  I love that so many parents rescheduled things to make this happen.   I love that they call this "PE" and took the PE teacher with us.  I love that no one was a bit concerned about reading or writing, but instead teaching collaboration and being active in fun ways.
 The kids did sled, a lot, but the most fun they all had was rolling huge snowballs with the PE teacher.

 It started as an idea from a few kids and pretty soon the entire class was needed to help push the weight of the snowball.  If you take a close look at the top picture, the entire class is sitting on 3 giant snowballs.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

what really killed off the dinosaurs

The mass extinction of the dinosaurs some 66 million years ago captures people's imaginations and fuels scientific debate. To this day there is not clear consensus about what really killed off the dinosaurs. 

But I know.

I know the truth.


It was Chima.

For well over a year Alder was completely obsessed with dinosaurs. Absolutely obsessed.  And I'll happily admit that I enjoyed his obsession. I loved reading countless books with him, looking up fact after fact on the internet, visiting the museum, and even accompanying him in his ridiculous imaginary dino play. It was fun to engage with him, to see his passion, and to learn or relearn for myself about the slice of nearly unbelievable history of our little planet. I was incredibly proud of Adler when he not only talked his teachers into doing a special unit on dinosaurs at school but then managed to get all the kids in his class genuinely excited about it. He didn't just talk his friends into following his interests but rather inspired a genuine excitement in them from his own passion. 

Then along came Chima. Or "f@&*ing Chima" as Kari and I sometimes call it while not in earshot of the kids.

"Lego Legends of Chima" is themed line of Legos. The folks at Lego have done an incredible job of building an entire world of sales and marketing around it with books, TV shows, video games and more to supplement the toys themselves. I can see how a kid could be drawn in. But from my perspective, it's a real step down from dinosaurs. The Chima characters are shallow and trite while the stories are uninspired and formulaic. 

Alder's love for dinosaurs has all but been replaced by a love for Chima. And, like the real extinction of the dinosaurs, it happened relatively quickly. It could be worse, I know, but I miss the dinos. 


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spring break 2015

 We were lucky to head back to one of our favorite family vacation spots in Phoenix for spring break this year.  I only took 3 pictures while we were there, I guess that's a sign of a relaxing and great vacation, right?

This was the first time everyone was water safe, so much more relaxing.  Several people stared at me as I watched Adler struggle in his ridiculous looking freestyle crossing the pool.  He doesn't look like he can make it, but he can!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Nothing wrong with smearing a little mud on your shirts straight from the gutter right?  These two were so happy!

Sunday, May 3, 2015


We have been so lucky for the past few months to be able to spend every Wednesday afternoon watching the boys youngest cousin.  The boys cherish their time with him.  Often one of the boys is asked on a playdate on Wednesday and they always decline saying this is their special day with their cousin.  We have started going out on adventures after his nap.  One day we walked to a nearby park, another day we went to the library (which didn't pan out the way I anticipated.  Landon wanted me to read quietly to him, Adler scaled the bookshelves nearly knocking everything off on his way and our cousin pulled books off the shelf one at a time, faster than I could put them back.  Guess that's what having 3 kids is all about.)  We have also gone to the museum of Nature and Science together, which is really fun for everyone.  This week Landon starts tennis at a nearby park with a friend on Wednesdays, so the four of us will all go and while LT plays tennis, the three of us will play in the park.  Good training for my life (hopefully) in the fall!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Elsie's tree

We are so thankful for all our wonderful close friends and family who generously donated and made this tree in honor of Elsie possible.  Thank you so much to those of you who contributed, together over $6,000 to date was donated to the Botanic Gardens!    
The plaque and tree are truly beautiful and a very peaceful place to sit and think about our beautiful daughter.  

Again, we sure wish Elsie were in our arms instead, but given the situation, we are so grateful to have a special place in her memory.  We took the boys today and spent some time sitting on the bench across from the tree.